No, but your tell yourself that.
The honest answer that will actually deliver help is to acknowledge – “I am not able to find a way to take care of myself right now.” And saying this with honesty and compassion, rather than from judgement, or shoulds, will potentially lead you in a different direction that actually might stir the hunger for your own value of your own vitality and well-being.
Recent investigations measured the subjects being studied noted that they were thinking about something other than what they were doing……47% of the time……which translates to the subjects not being present to the task at hand 47% of the time…..ALMOST HALF the time…..which translates to half the day is spent not with focus on what one is doing…….NUTS!
So when a vital resource like the breath and how it either serves you and nourishes you, or how it accelerates your unhealthy patterns and diminishes your vitality. If you are unable to attend for moments in your day to what is MOST vital to your health and well-being…..well, you are left with being dictated and overrun by less vital influences and your health will be compromised.
UNLESS you take right action. Bring attention….maybe part of that 47% of the time…….onto the breath and into your body. Then you actually might find access to a resource that truly wants the best for you and your well-being.