Hatha Yoga Classes – Current Offerings
(updated 7/2/2024) Through August there will be a few In-Depth Study classes. Tentative dates are Tuesdays 8-10am:
July 9th – Sun Salutations
July 23rd – Warrior stances for Leg Strength
August 6th – Preparatory for Asanas (seated work)
$50.00 includes handout & video support
Regular classes will start back up in September.
@ Inward Bound Wellness –
258 A St #12, Ashland, OR 97520
Please contact me of your interest
Introduction of Hatha Yoga –
a Shadow Yoga style practice
Tuesdays 8:40-10:00am
Sliding Monthly (3-class) scale $45-$75.
Limited space to 9 people
Please contact me of your interest
Please note: Shawn’s classes are not a substitute for an individual’s specific therapeutic needs (to fix a problem you have). Participating in class is a practice in rhythm and awareness with movement and breath. That is why I require a screening so the classes can be identified as a good fit for both of us.
Shawn follows the traditional teachings of the Tantrik Hatha Yogis, the Naths, from the influence of the school of Shadow Yoga. This is a systematic science of cultivating the body as the vehicle for the spiritual energies that are acquired and circulated in and out of deeper layers of being. Hatha Yoga is a physical practice of internal cultivation with the focus on the energetic principles that develop the supports for the physical body and mind. Strength and flexibility arise from the transformative capacities of stability, internal fire (heat), circulation, fluidity, and power.
“Hatha Yoga is a system of self-cultivation by which the individual frees himself from the burden of the world and its bondage. This cannot be achieved through superficial work. One must begin at the root and grow slowly, grow with patience, and grow through persistence. Boredom is overcome by paying keen attention to the activity.”
– Shadow Yoga Chaya Yoga, Copyright © 2006
The internal powers that arise from a dormant state within the body, give rise to the universal language within all of us. The universal energy and language stimulates the brain and allows the individual to access deeper states of being. As an internal practice, working with what is within, increases one’s access to the deeper states that animate the essential healing within the body and mind. This internalized process is a rite, a rite of passage to become established within one’s body. Thus the capacity to keep these powers circulating for the betterment of all beings, and not consumed by the misuse of power, requires a good home.
“Yoga is an internal practice. The rest is just a circus.”
– Guruji K. Pattabhi Jois
The practice of Hatha Yoga is not a glorified exercise program or system of superficial health. To be persuaded and promised benefits from the gymnastic theme typical in this country, is the vendor seeking your purchase. It actually works the other way around – the guide offers to the seeker what is necessary, not wanted by the one who seeks, for the desire often over reaches the conditioning required along the path.
The seeker, often stepping onto the path of Hatha Yoga for some desired “state of improvement”, must recognize and respect the depth to which this systematic practice sequentially and rhythmically cultivates the body and mind. Therefore in stages, tools are honed; often what was needed in a previous stage that carved the body and mind to prepare for the next stage, are not needed further down the journey (unless there is an obstacle or setback from illness or trauma). Access deepens as one progresses through the stages of development – forging and fortifying new pathways to circulate the life force into deeper channels within the body and mind. The meditative state arrives spontaneously out of the practice – unimposed and unburdened by the mundane mind (knowing what one meditates on that is not derived, imagined, or painted). This process continues as long as the practitioner can travel without imposition until the moment the life force energy, Prana, leaves the body; meanwhile supporting the one who abides, and orchestrating resourcefulness, and providing whispering guidance for daily life.
I am deeply grateful for the guidance and compassion from my teacher, Sundernath (Shandor Remete) – the one who carries the light of the torch for others to see; going out to the horizon of what’s possible and returning to shed the light of his experiences to those willing to listen and watch.
Shadow Yoga is a modern term that encompasses the ancient practices originating with the Pashupata tantrika yogins which preceded and gave rise to Hatha Yoga.
Lord Pashupathi transformed himself into Adinath, the first teacher, who through the labours of his human disciples Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath, Jalandharnath et al gave Tantrik Hatha Yoga for the welfare and spiritual development of mankind.
– Sundernath (Shandor Remete) & Emma Balnaves

Inspired and infused with the wisdom from his teachers – Scott Blossom, Matt Pesendian, Shandor Remete & Emma Balvanes – Shawn offers insightful and energized Yoga classes for the purpose of cultivating:
- stability
- circulation
- power
- fluidity
- balance
- a receptive mind
Please note: Shawn’s classes are not a substitute for an individual’s specific therapeutic needs (to fix a problem you have). Participating in class is a practice in rhythm and awareness with movement and breath. That is why I require a screening so the classes can be identified as a good fit for both of us.
It is important to acknowledge your limitations and move in accordance with those limitations, and address personal therapeutic needs in private sessions. If you are interested in teachings, or personal 1-on-1 guidance with your practice please contact me.
Videos: Interviews with Shawn